The Game

Mini Santa is a retro style 2D platformer.

Explore 5 unique levels filled with secrets to beat the game.

The Jam and Game-Idea

This game was made for the Secret Santa Jam 2023 in the duration of one month.

In this jam you write a letter to a Secret Santa (a jam participant) and you receive a letter from your giftee (another participant). Then you make a game for you giftee based on their letter.

My giftee for this jam was Charbomber. Their wish was for a game that not only looks and sounds retro, but feels retro.

So I tried to channel my inner 1980s game dev and try to create a game based on a different mind set of game design.
I'm not sure how well I managed to do that but I still had a ton of fun creating this game and I hope you have fun playing it!


Mini Santa is made with Godot 3.5.1 -

The Santa spritesheet was made by gamesbyangelina on -
(And slightly modified by me.)

The Song "Jingle Bells 8Bit" was made by Tim Beek -

The "Ark" font was made by somepx -

The Level Screen background image was generated with Novel AI Image Generation -
and then modified by hand.

All other graphics were created by me using Aseprite -

All sound effects were created by me using Bfxr -


Mini Santa - 17 MB
Mini Santa - 18 MB

Install instructions

Download, unzip and play! No need to install.


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I will be playing this live today 12/23 around 430-5PM EST